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Term Definition
Angina A condition marked by severe pain in the chest to an inadequate blood supply to the heart
Contraindication A condition or circumstance in which a particular drug should not be used
Hepatic impairment Loss of liver function
Hypersensitivity An extreme allergic reaction or physical sensitivity to a particular substance
Hyperthyroidism Overactivity of the thyroid gland, resulting in a rapid heartbeat and an increased rate of metabolism
Myocardial infarction A heart attack
Pharmacological Relating to the branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs
Regimen A prescribed course of medical treatment
Renal impairment Loss of kidney function
Transient Lasting only for a short time
Withdrawal symptoms The physical reactions that accompany the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug.
Further Details on Nicorette Patches:
Learning outcomes
By completing this resource you will be able to:
Describe the proper use of nicotine patches for smoking cessation, including its dosing regimen, side effects, cautions and contraindications.
This resource was developed by:
Content Developers: Jason (ACoRD TU) Loo, Renukha (ACoRD TU) Sellappans.
Developers:Nurhannah Mansor(ACoRD), Balqis Zulkifli(ACoRD),Enna(ACoRD)Ayub, Nurhanim(ACoRD)Hassan
Programmer: Nik Marisa Binti Nik Mohamad Hanif.
Learning Object Copyright and Terms of Use
All Learning Objects developed by the University of Nottingham School of Health Sciences, and their aggregate parts (eg text, animations), are copyright of the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham. Learning Objects are available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License and the conditions below.
Terms of Use
Private individuals, and publicly-funded educational and other institutions, may link to and use the Learning Objects on this site without restriction for non-commercial educational purposes. Use of any Learning Objects for any commercial purpose, or by any profit-making commercial entity, is not permitted without our express permission. If you wish to use a Learning Object for any commercial, revenue-generating or non-educational purpose, you must contact us to negotiate terms of use and payment.
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Modification to adapt Learning Objects to local circumstances is permitted, with the following restrictions:
- The modified version must clearly display the University of Nottingham logo, and the School copyright notice.
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Please use the attribution below if you wish to refer to our learning objects. If you use Firefox, you can install the useful OpenAttribute add-on to allow you to easily copy and reference these and other materials marked as Creative Commons.
Term | Definition |
Angina | A condition marked by severe pain in the chest to an inadequate blood supply to the heart |
Contraindication | A condition or circumstance in which a particular drug should not be used |
Hepatic impairment | Loss of liver function |
Hypersensitivity | An extreme allergic reaction or physical sensitivity to a particular substance |
Hyperthyroidism | Overactivity of the thyroid gland, resulting in a rapid heartbeat and an increased rate of metabolism |
Myocardial infarction | A heart attack |
Pharmacological | Relating to the branch of medicine concerned with the uses, effects, and modes of action of drugs |
Regimen | A prescribed course of medical treatment |
Renal impairment | Loss of kidney function |
Transient | Lasting only for a short time |
Withdrawal symptoms | The physical reactions that accompany the process of ceasing to take an addictive drug. |
Further Details on Nicorette Patches: |
---| |
Learning outcomes
By completing this resource you will be able to:
Describe the proper use of nicotine patches for smoking cessation, including its dosing regimen, side effects, cautions and contraindications.
This resource was developed by:
Content Developers: Jason (ACoRD TU) Loo, Renukha (ACoRD TU) Sellappans.
Developers:Nurhannah Mansor(ACoRD), Balqis Zulkifli(ACoRD),Enna(ACoRD)Ayub, Nurhanim(ACoRD)Hassan
Programmer: Nik Marisa Binti Nik Mohamad Hanif.
Learning Object Copyright and Terms of Use
All Learning Objects developed by the University of Nottingham School of Health Sciences, and their aggregate parts (eg text, animations), are copyright of the School of Health Sciences, University of Nottingham. Learning Objects are available for use under the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 3.0 Unported License and the conditions below.
Terms of Use
Private individuals, and publicly-funded educational and other institutions, may link to and use the Learning Objects on this site without restriction for non-commercial educational purposes. Use of any Learning Objects for any commercial purpose, or by any profit-making commercial entity, is not permitted without our express permission. If you wish to use a Learning Object for any commercial, revenue-generating or non-educational purpose, you must contact us to negotiate terms of use and payment.
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- we gain data on usage of the Learning Objects, from access statistics and user feedback forms
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Modification to adapt Learning Objects to local circumstances is permitted, with the following restrictions:
- The modified version must clearly display the University of Nottingham logo, and the School copyright notice.
- The modified version must not be distributed outside the modifying institution without the express permission of the School.
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